Does your system support the use of the LOCK clause as part of the READ statement? (Most MultiValue flavors do today, but if your application software was written long ago, you may want to consider adding this option)
The LOCK clause will allow your users a way out of maintenance applications when a record lock is encountered when processing a READU or MATREADU statement.
READU CUST.REC FROM CUST.FILE, CUST.KEY LOCKED CRT @(0,22):"CUSTOMER IN USE! EXIT? (Y/N)": CRT @(45,22): INPUT RESPONSE IF RESPONSE = "Y" THEN GOTO 1000 ;* EXIT SLEEP 5 ; * pause for 5 seconds, and then check if record is now available GOTO 50 ;* Resume processing END ELSE . . . END
Note: Individual MultiValue flavors may provide additional information that may be incorporated into the program logic.
For example R91 & MvBase automatically store the port# of the user that currently has the record locked in system buffer zero. This information may be used to get the actual user name or location and then display a bit more detailed message.
Bakken Software Services ... The Obvious Pick 1-708-450-1062