This class will give you the tools you need to retrieve information from your database quickly and easily, using the power of the Pick / MultiValue retrieval language. You will use simple English-like sentences and the Pick data model to generate your own inquiries and reports.
Access (D3, MvEnterprise) Info / Access (MvBase) RetrieVe (UniVerse) UniQuery (UniData) Recall (Ultimate) English (Reality, Novadyne)
The Pick / MultiValue database retrieval language has different names dependent upon the platform or environment. The original acronym was GIRLS (Generalized Information Retrieval Language System) coined by Richard Pick and Don Nelson, but most flavors are pretty much the same.
Developed to allow users to get the information they need without being dependent on the IT staff, this two day course will give you the ability to pull information out of your database easier and quicker than ever before.
This course is NOT for Jbase and Revelation users. It is suggested that they contact their specific vendor for current class information.
What you will accomplish:
Learn how to format statements. Use different verbs for sorting, summing, and producing statistics. Review using the appropriate verbs for maximum ease and efficiency.
Use selection criteria, wild cards, and multiple sorts.
Product reports with sub-totals, grand totals, breaking and paging. Base production of 'summary' reports on previously generated 'detail' reports. Customize break-on and grand total labels.
Incorporate data from multiple files into a single report. Use dictionary items which 'translate' to or 'translate' through multiple files to retrieve additional information.
Learn to customize report headings, column headings, and footings. (Get rid of the ... and create professional looking reports!)
In this intense two day seminar, you will produce many different reports and inquiries. You will become comfortable with all the inherent features of the database retrieval language, and have a myriad of easily modifiable samples for future use.
Our goal is to show you all the features, have you produce reports and inquiries using the different features, and then be able to apply this information to your companies data.
While you won't be an 'expert' after only two full days of training, you will have the tools to jog your memory and plenty of samples to show you how to apply the material that was covered. We do suggest that you keep a 'tickler' file of all the projects that we cover in order to have them for future reference.
Bakken Software Services ... The Obvious Pick 1-708-450-1062